Monday, August 30, 2010

Library dangers.

Althought not obvious, there are many dangers lurking in the library..

Take an example from my friend L.(Let's just keep that name as L, I think L wouldn't want to be revealed).

My dear friend L, there was an encounter that I would say scarred her for life. Okay maybe a little exaggerated but...yeah you know what I mean.

Well basically L went to the washroom and apparantly, she left the bag on the chair and took all her valuables with her. It was just a short trip to the restroom but she didn't like to take chances so yeah...

But when she was back, she was devastated. A group of guys that has a very strong China accent have taken over her table and her bag was no where to be found! Poor L, she went all over the place to find her bag, afraid of confronting the group of guys.

Luckily lady luck smiled at her at last and she found her bag in a bin..a not so pretty sight though....oh well take care of your items people!

Good night my blog <3

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