Friday, August 27, 2010

Unexpected encounter.

Guess what? I went to the library late this morning as I overslept and I would've sworn that I given up hope on finding a vacant seat, but but!!! I found an ex-classmate studying there and the best thing was that beside him the seat was empty!!! HAHAHA...

Awesome right? =X...but oh well..actually my friend, Louis and I planned to study together..but both of us overslept and tada..he decided to change his mind as there wasn't enough he didn't come xD...(even though I tried persuading him)

Oh we pretty much caught up with each another on our recent activities and studies and other know, the usual.

Nothing much interesting happened today.....OH OH OH!! I know! I borrowed this book called erm..what was it again..argh...can't remember xD. But it's basically about a green house that GROWS humans!!! How interesting can that be!!

okay...time for me to shower and head to lala land!

Goodnight cute blog!

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