Monday, April 25, 2011

Rotten Banana!!

Mmm...LOL. Okay, 2 weeks ago, I've had two bananas in my bag for desserts after lunch. I ate one of it, and didn't know where the other went. I just left it as it was, thinking that I've already ate it. Well, guess what? It was squashed by my books/notes at was in the bottom of my bag, gosh. This morning, after reaching class, I attempted a search in my bag because there was this really gross smell coming out of it...and TADA a rotten banana that I don't even wanna look at. It smells like concentrated vinegar on a shirt that was drenched with perspiration and left in an enclosed area to rot away.

Gosh...the stench was devastating. My first thought was to empty the whole of my bag and then give it a good scrub in the toilet, second, throw the bag away. But, darn, I don't have enough bags to manage if I wash this one ><. The other bag that I have, is already soaked in soap water, due to the "teriyaki sauce leak ordeal." Grrr! I blame them for putting so much sauce into the packet of takoyaki box! orz. Oh well, that's another story so yeah.

Back to the topic, mm, after reaching home, I've searched the whole of my house for perfume, some kind of odour killing spray, bla bla bla. Whichever I thought potential of killing that
stench. What worked best was the ANTI SCEPTIC SPRAYY!!! Woooooo~ Instant K and a O to the indescribable stench. But, well yeah, =/ that took out a lot of my spray haha...after attempting to dry it out, some of the stench came back, haiz, but oh well, it's pretty much faint now so erm..! HURRAY~

Ps. I'm still gonna wash my bag in the weekends.

Goodnights baggy~
Signing off

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